I have recently encountered a very frustrating issue within Unity's build system that prevents me from creating a built version of the game to send to testers. It has something to do with Unity's iL2CPP compiler that converts C# code into C++ which then becomes Binary.
After Looking at a number of forum posts detailing other peoples issues with this:
I attempted a number of fixes such as:
Downloading the most recent Microsoft SDKs
Reinstalling Unity Packages for Visual Studio
Installing extra packages for Visual Studio
Upgrading the unity projects editor version
installing new unity editor versions and reinstalling current ones
However, none of these fixes worked and I had this same problem. By this point, I had spent 2 and a half days on the issue with no progress and I was lost.
Fortunately for me, I found that unity has a second compiler called Mono, which is slightly older however let me build. I was back on track!!
After checking that there were no massive issues with Mono:
Which there didnt really seem to be. So I've cracked on ever since!
Thanks for reading!